Finally, after a lot of preparation and learning, we are ready to embark on our African adventure!
Afro Wrestling is a project that highlights a group of young, proud, and feisty girls facing off on the mats of Afro Wrestling in Mombasa, Kenya.
We start with a group of 8-9 girls, which will surely expand in the future. The matches initially involve five different styles:
– Submission, where headlocks and scissors are allowed on both the body and the head or neck.
– Smother, where all kinds of suffocation are allowed: with the chest, with the hands, with the belly, face sitting… or any other part of the body.
– Controlling holds, where the goal is to immobilize the opponent in a hold until the end of the count.
– Pins, where it is necessary to keep the opponent with both shoulders on the ground until the end of the count.
– Catfight, where almost everything is allowed except strangling and direct hits, but especially hair pulling.
The matches last for 20 real minutes, and in case of a tie, it continues until the next point. The winner is entitled to a victory pose or a brief domination over the loser.
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Any questions, please get in touch here.